5 Corners Animal Hospital

2799 Southwestern Blvd Suite 100
Orchard Park, NY 14127



News Articles


Separation Anxiety: The Fear of Being Alone

Dogs are highly social, and most dogs thrive best when they have company. Being alone results in separation anxiety and other separation-related behaviors for m ...

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Jerky Dog Treats from China may be Associated with Kidney Issues

The chicken jerky treats made in China have been associated with kidney disease for a few years. Ever since the association between these products and illness w ...

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New York Times article rocks veterinary profession

Two weeks of town hall-style meetings, internal memos, press statements and counterarguments have veterinarians across the country focused on one ominous predic ...

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What Kids Learn from Pets

As children, pets taught us bits and pieces of how life works. Sometimes it’s subtle, such as knowing when someone is sad and needs a friend, and sometimes it’ ...

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High Anxiety: Pot and Pets

How high is your hound?Now that recreational marijuana use is legal in some states and medical marijuana is legal in many states, marijuana exposure and intoxi ...

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How much Kitty Vomit is too much?

"My feeling is that one or two vomits per month means that you are a cat."Oh yeah, baby.Dr. Jeff Latimer posted his sentiment about cat vomiting/hairball freque ...

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